Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Restless Travelers (GH Day 10)

I am a restless traveler. I'm a go-er, doer, see-er. I always think I'll use 
vacation as a time to rest, but I end up trying to pack as much into my trip as 
possible, tiring myself out in the process. 
In George Herbert's poem "The Pulley," he plays on multiple meanings of "rest" 
in order to discuss how God withholds a key ingredient to a happy life-- 
contentment--from humankind in the hopes that, lacking this essential element, 
we will turn to Him. Here's the poem as borrowed from 
THE PULLEY.                     
WHEN God at first made man, 
Having a glasse of blessings standing by ; 
Let us (said he) poure on him all we can : 
Let the worlds riches, which dispersed lie, 
            Contract into a span. 
            So strength first made a way ; 
Then beautie flow’d, then wisdome, honour, pleasure : 
When almost all was out, God made a stay, 
Perceiving that alone, of all his treasure, 
            Rest in the bottome lay. 
            For if I should (said he) 
Bestow this jewell also on my creature, 
He would adore my gifts in stead of me, 
And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature : 
            So both should losers be. 
            Yet let him keep the rest, 
But keep them with repining restlesnesse : 
Let him be rich and wearie, that at least, 
If goodnesse leade him not, yet wearinesse 
            May tosse him to my breast. 
The poem is a simple little story, retelling mankind's creation, where the 
Triune God, like a chemist or a chef, keeps adding ingredients until the formula 
is just right. Herbert plays on 3 or 4 meanings of "rest" here: "rest" as what 
remains, "rest" as a cessation of activity, & "rest" as contentment. To "rest" 
in Nature also has the idea of putting trust in something (to lean against). 
Isn't it true that contentment is possibly the hardest thing for us to attain in 
this life? And how often do we weary ourselves out from busyness: busy pursuing 
good things, busy pursuing vain things, busy just trying to keep on top of the 
mundanities things in  life (doing laundry, paying bills, checking email)? 
In the metaphysical conceit (that is, a far-fetched analogy) of "The Pulley," 
Herbert imagines God as using this lack of rest as leverage to pull us up to 
Him, so that we restless travelers through life find our contentment not in 
Nature, not in our pursuits, not in our gifts/talents, but in the bosom of our 

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